Apocalypse Cow Recording
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Amp Vault

Dimensions: 5x5
Description:  The amp vault is perfect for getting screaming loud amp tones.  You set your amp head in the live room but put your cabinet inside the vault.  Then you can crank the gain to your heart's content and the vault keeps the sound inside so you don't have to worry about going deaf while you rock out or the guitars bleeding onto the drum mics.  We can fit 2 - 4x12 cabinets inside and mic them up for recording.

Amp Vault where the 4x12 cabs live

Close the door and the guitars continue screaming while you carry on a conversation


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Not all bands are the same; Apocalypse Cow, a recording studio that's different.

To contact Apocalypse Cow Recording - info@callthecow.com - 630-897-9023