Apocalypse Cow Recording
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Theresa -
Apocalypse Cow Recording Staff - Theresa Classically trained since age 10 as a concert musician, Theresa has grown up with strong roots in music theory and a commanding knowledge of the bassoon (her instrument of choice). Along with bassoon, Theresa also studied music business, graduating from noted music college DePaul University with a Bachelors degree.

Not only can Theresa's skills in music business help newer bands get their music submitted to ASCAP/BMI, but they can also be put to use in helping to copyright your song material, setting up music publishing companies, negotiating recording contracts, and building press kits for press and radio stations. Theresa's training in the art of promotion and music legalities is only matched by her many Chicago scene connections to music lawyers, label owners, indie distribution representatives, and commercial production houses.

Contact Theresa at - theresa@callthecow.com

Not all bands are the same; Apocalypse Cow, a recording studio that's different.

To contact Apocalypse Cow - info@callthecow.com - 630-897-9023